The Idea of Barefoot Bowls in Australia

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Australians are pretty serious about their sports. Football and cricket are one of them. But have you ever thought of playing any of the sports barefoot? We are sure you haven’t, but now what we are going to disclose will amaze you. Barefoot bowls have been picking up pace in Australia. Some also refer to it as lawn bowls. The sport has not been recently invented. It has been there since quite sometime now and people have been investing in bowling clubs for a very long time now.
The sport is largely played by retired grey-haired men living their best life. As we previously mentioned the sport has been becoming popular in a country as big as Australia. Interestingly, there are as many as 2000 clubs that are dedicated to barefoot bowls. These clubs not only allow you to play lawn bowl, but also offer drinks, music, and lots of fun to drain out every bit of your retirement stress. Some say that you can also choose to wear flip flops if you like. However, that depends on your personal preferences.
One reason why lawn bowl is becoming increasingly popular is that these clubs have become extremely lenient with their rules and this has encouraged more and more people to sign up for this sport. No doubt, the sport brings a number of advantages for the retired lot.
Lighting is one of the major factors that enhances your lawn bowl experience. Now there are quite a lot of companies like Overhead Electrical that provide high-quality electrical services to lawn bowl club owners.
Here is the list of bowling clubs where people go and play the game barefoot.
Bondi Bowling Club
This club is around 8 decades old so you cannot go wrong with this one. There is something about playing in clubs which have been there since long. It is located on one of the busiest beaches in Australia and caters to many enthusiastic individuals at one time. The laid-back vibes make your experience worth every while here. However, you need to book in advance.
Manly Bowling Club
At manly bowling club, you also get a chance to enjoy a ferry ride or surfing. If this does not excite you what will? The sessions include bowling lessons, music, food, games officers, and all gear. Also, do not forget floodlighting and heating, which you are going to love.
Petersham Bowling Club
If you want to enjoy the best night bowling, then you should definitely give this one a shot. There’s live music which is quite a treat for your ears. Trust us, leaving this club is not easy because it’s just too good.
Waverton North Sydney Club
Barefoot bowl by the beautiful water views? Sounds exciting, right? Go to Waverton North Sydney Club and reduce your stress levels like never before. The experience is calming and you would want to come back to this place over and over again.